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Manage Your Reports

Here's how you can quickly run reports on your account

How can I view notes on my Projects Tab?
How to view payments received last year for projects this year.
How can I download a summary of all transfers to my account?
Do archived projects appear on the Due Balances report?
How to hide Lost Projects from my Sales Dashboard
Top 10 Reports Every Event Pro Should Be Pulling

How can I see the entire window for my deliveries and pickups?
How to run a report on your sales for products, services, and deliveries.
How can I see how often we deliver to a venue?
How can I see total sales for a specific city?
How can I filter my project list to show projects with Subrentals?
How can I filter my project list by projects created inside Goodshuffle Pro?
How can I view all projects with an In-Store logistic?
How can I view all projects that have a delivery/pickup logistic?
How can I see all projects that have been overpaid?
How can I see all projects that have a Due balance?
How can I see only Projects submitted via the Website Integration?
How can I filter my project list to show projects with Potential Conflicts?
How can I only see projects that have been paid in full?
How can I filter my project list to show projects with Conflicts?
Are Archived Projects included in my Sales Report on my Dashboard?
How can I see the Amount Due from my Project List?
How can I filter my project list by Fulfillment Status?
How can I generate a statement for a company with all their open balances?
Does the Dashboard report include taxes?
How can I download a sales report by a teammate or sales lead?
How can I see my percent of conversions?
How can I see how much my clients owe me from the dashboard?
How can I see all projects that were delivered in a year?
How can I see my total amount due on my projects for a specific date range?
How can I download a list of all my projects for a week?
How can I see total deposits paid on upcoming events?
How can I see a report of my contract subtotals by event start?
How can I filter my Sales Dashboard by Salesperson?
How can I see a quarter's expected revenue?
Do tasks show on the dashboard for archived projects?
How can I see all my projects that were signed in the last two weeks?
How can I see total remaining balance within a year?
How can I see a report of all projects for a client with an open balance?
How can I view our transaction history by date?
How can I see a summary of any fees paid on payments?
How can I see the total of all discounts given within a period?
How can I see projects that have been paid, but not signed?
How can I see all my projects for a company?
How can I see contract totals by client?
How can I see a report on my Lost projects?
Which payments were online vs recorded offline in a year?
How can I see projects for a particular salesperson?
How can I see all my Archived Projects within a given period?
How can I see the subtotal for Deliveries on my projects?
How can I download a list of the email addresses on my projects?
How can I see which of my projects have a remaining balance?
How can I sort my projects by Event Type?
How can I see contract totals for a client over a year?
How can I see my project totals for a given period?
Which projects are included in my Sales report on my Dashboard?
Will Archived Projects be included in the Due Balances on the Dashboard?
How can I generate a sales report?
How can I report on the performance of my Sales Offices?
How can I calculate Sales Commission for my team?
How can I create a Monthly Billing Statement for a Client?