Quantity Posted
Total amount you've entered as 'in stock' when you were editing/creating your inventory.
Frequency Booked
How many signed projects an item has been added to a project during this time. If no time frame has been selected, it will show all time.
For example, if I added 50 chairs across 5 signed projects, Frequency Booked will show 5.
Quantity Booked
How many of these items have been added to your signed projects during this time. If no time frame has been selected, it will show all time.
For example, if I added 50 chairs across 5 projects, Quantity Booked will show 50.
In Stock
How many you have available during this time. In stock will factor in how many are in use and how many are 'Set Aside'.
Max Needed
The most amount you will need at one time over a given period across all project statuses. This is useful for knowing if you'll have conflicts during a given range.
Set Aside
How many are currently 'unusable' or 'do not rent', because they are either damaged, needing repair, or missing. This will not subtract from Quantity Posted.