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How can I add travel or cleaning time to a project?

Here's how you can add a conflict buffer window on a project to add travel or cleaning time.

Colin Connor avatar
Written by Colin Connor
Updated over 5 months ago

If you're shipping an order across the country, or if it rains on a project and you need extra time to clean the items, you can add a conflict buffer to extend the time the items in the project are 'in use'.

For example, let's say I've created a project for March 15th - 17th.

Now let's say we need to include 12 hours shipping time to this project.

Next, I've added in 12 hour pre and post event buffer...

...So now my conflicts and usage will  extend!

Here's how you can set this up on your projects.

First, click the gear symbol in the top right hand corner of your project. Next, click 'Project Buffers'. Then, click to 'Edit' the buffers for this specific project.
From here you can specify your Pre and Post Event Buffers. Finally, click to save these buffer windows for this project.

A Pre-Event Buffer could be used to include shipping time to the venue or prep time for all items on this project.
A Post-Event Buffer could be used to include shipping time back to your warehouse or cleaning time for all items on this project.
These times will be added on to the earliest or latest time on the project.

Please note: New conflicts may be detected on this project after adding the buffer windows.

Want to add a buffer window to all your projects?

Note: This option is only available to Account Owners or Admins

From your inventory, click 'Settings'. Next, click to 'Edit' your Project-Level Buffers. Then, include your Pre or Post-Event Buffers.

From here you can select if you want these buffers to apply to newly created projects, or all active projects. Finally, click 'Save' to set these buffer windows on your projects.

Please note: If you select to add these buffers to All Active Projects, new conflicts may be detected on all unarchived projects.

Here's how your conflicts will appear when using both Project and Category Level Buffers.

Want to add a buffer window to specific items?

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