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How can I process 'terminal' transactions?

This article will show you how to quickly duplicate a project template to charge and track in store transactions.

Melissa Teague avatar
Written by Melissa Teague
Updated over 5 months ago

Goodshuffle Pro is designed for quoting and invoicing clients for rentals, but there are tools within Goodshuffle Pro to quickly charge clients for 'terminal' transactions.

First, create a 'Template Project' with the client 'Terminal Sale' or 'Cash Sale' (for example) - This'll allow you to report on how many often/how much you've made from 'terminal' transactions.

Next, when a client comes to purchase boxes or other 'quick sale' items, duplicate the order, and create a Line Item Group date for the date of the sale. Then, add the items and services the client is using.

Finally, either type in the customer's card information to capture a charge on their card or, if they pay in Cash/Check, record and 'Offline Payment'.

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