How to deactivate your subscription

Learn how to cancel your free trial, close your account, or close another user's account.

Karen Gordon avatar
Written by Karen Gordon
Updated over a week ago

To deactivate your account, go to Account > Subscriptions and click the 3 dots on the far right of the Account owner's name. There you'll see the "deactivate" option.

Here you can deactivate your own account or one of your user's accounts.

When you deactivate your account, you will no longer be charged for seat subscriptions or integration subscriptions. You'll have access to your Goodshuffle Pro account through the end of your current billing period.

For other user seats, removing someone from a seat frees up the seat and allows you to assign the seat to another team member.

Cancelling the seat subscription removes the seat from the account entirely, meaning you will not be billed for that seat moving forward. Should you need to add another team member after canceling, you would need to repurchase the seat.

Removing someone from (or canceling) a seat will still keep that user's projects/log activity history - they will just be marked as "inactive".

If you have questions about deactivating your account or would like to provide our team with feedback, please use the chat bubble located at the bottom right of your Goodshuffle Pro account.

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