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QuickBooks (Non-US) Integration Addendum

This article explains the particular differences for non-US customers.

Andrew Garcia avatar
Written by Andrew Garcia
Updated over 2 months ago

For non-US customers we recommend activating the QuickBooks Online integration as early as possible, preferably before defining your first Tax Type in Goodshuffle Pro.  If you do it this way, our system will automatically generate the Tax Types in GS Pro to match what is already defined in QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Tax Rate to GS Pro Tax Rate Mapping

If you're already defined Tax Types in GS Pro and used them on contracts, that's not a problem. Simply go to the Tax Type configuration section of your account settings and click Edit next to each of your existing Tax Types.  

That will open a configuration panel on the right where you'll see a line for each of the tax rates you've defined for a particular Tax Type. Click the pencil icon to edit a particular tax rate and select from the exposed drop-down to choose which tax in QuickBooks that the tax in GS Pro maps to.

Note: You'll need to map both the Country and the Province level to the desired Tax Rate.

This'll ensure the Tax Center in QuickBooks Online can calculate with the tax from your invoices synced from Goodshuffle Pro.

Contract Line Items

QuickBooks Onlinefor non-US users requires that every line item on a contract be associated with a tax rate.  If you try and save edits to a line item and tax isn't present you'll see an error message flash on the screen.

Since tax rates are more strictly required, we've taken a couple steps to make this easier:

Inventory Items

When adding items to your inventory, ensure that every item has a tax type specified for it.  Using Canada as an example, that would likely be either a HST tax or Zero-Rated to indicate a particular item or service is not taxed by default.
You'll see the section to specify the taxes on an item at the bottom of the form used to add/edit items.

Default Tax Type

A great way to ensure that all items you add to your inventory have tax associated with them is to ensure you have a Tax Type set as a default. click "Make Default" to make this selection.

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