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How can I edit the Color of the Website Integration Cart on my site?
How can I edit the Color of the Website Integration Cart on my site?

Here's how you can change the color of the Website Integration Cart on your site.

Samantha Smith avatar
Written by Samantha Smith
Updated over 5 months ago

First, head to your website's Custom CSS section (Article)

Below are the code snippets required to change various colors on your website. It's recommended to copy/paste the entire block of code into your CSS editor, and then change the colors as you see fit. It is not required to change all colors.

Note: If your website is using a specific color theme, you may need to add the following snippet to override your theme's color settings:


Change the Font and Background color of the Number of items added to Wishlist Cart:

/* wishlist 'cart' count badge*/
gspro-wishlist .gspro-c-wishlist__count {
background: yellow !important;
color: purple !important;

Change the Icon and Background color of the "Wishlist Cart" Button:

/* wishlist heart icon color */
gspro-wishlist[data-mode="collapse"] use {
fill: orange;

/* wishlist heart 'cart' background */
.gspro-c-wishlist__trigger {
background: darkred !important;

Change the Background color on the top of the Wishlist Cart:

gspro-wishlist[data-mode="expand"] {
background: hotpink;

Change the Background color as well as the Number color on the circle that has the number of items within an active Wishlist Cart:

gspro-wishlist[data-mode="collapse"] .gspro-c-wishlist__count {
background: black;
color: white

Change the Color of the "Contact & Venue Info" button only when NOT hovering over it:

button.gspro-o-button--primary {
background: #1F1F1F;

Change the Color of the "Contact & Venue Info" button ONLY when hovering over it:

button.gspro-o-button--primary:hover {
background: #3F3F3F;

button.gspro-o-button--warning {
background: darkorange;
color: white;
button.gspro-o-button--warning:hover {
background: darkred;
color: white;

Change the Color of the font on the "Save" button under "Select Dates":

button.gspro-o-button--reverse {
background: white;
color: hotpink;

Change the Color of the font on the "Save" button under "Select Dates" only when hovering over it:

button.gspro-o-button--reverse:hover {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
color: hotpink;

Change the Color of the close button under "Select Dates":

button.gspro-o-button--icon {
background: inherit;

Change the Color of the close button under "Select Dates" only when hovering over it:

button.gspro-o-button--icon:hover {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);

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