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How can I recognize payments and invoices to companies within QuickBooks Online?
How can I recognize payments and invoices to companies within QuickBooks Online?

Here's how you can quickly toggle your QuickBooks Online Integration settings to ignore the sub-customer for your transactions.

Colin Connor avatar
Written by Colin Connor
Updated over 5 months ago

You can quickly select to ignore sub-customers on your QuickBooks Online transactions from within your Integration Settings (Link):

This will apply to any transactions sync'd moving forward.


By default, the contact on the project within Goodshuffle Pro will be assigned as a sub-customer to the Invoice and Payment transactions within QuickBooks Online.

The contact's related business will be the primary customer on the Invoice and Payments within QuickBooks Online.

Goodshuffle Pro

QuickBooks Online

Why Toggle?


Collin O'Connor was the original contact for Tallman Bros.

He signed the invoice and paid a deposit.

As we got closer to the delivery date, Collin re-assigned this Invoice over to another co-worker for Tallman Bros, Jo Reese.

Jo paid the final balance.

With Toggling to Ignore the Sub-Customer:

The Invoice and Payments in QuickBooks Online are all recognized toward Tallman Bros, so no extra steps or manual adjustments are required on my side!

Without choosing to ignore the Sub-Customer

The original Payment is recognized towards Collin's profile:

After changing the contact within Goodshuffle Pro, the Invoice is under Jo's name:

Meaning Collin has a payment that isn't applied to any invoice:

This will require even more manual work if the payment had been deposited!

This will also be helpful in the case where you have a planner who is working with a bride.

The planner is going to receive the original invoice and process a payment with their client.

In this example, the planner should be the contact and connected with their planning agency as the business.

With the option to ignore the sub-customer enabled, the payment and the invoice will be recognized towards the planner's organization within QuickBooks Online.

For the final payment, the planner wants the invoice sent directly to the bride.

The contact on the project within Goodshuffle Pro would be changed to the bride, while still having the planner's organization as the related business.

The final payment will seamlessly be applied to the original invoice (as the payments and invoices are all recognized toward the planner's organization).

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