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The Anatomy of a Project

What are the different sections and buttons available in each project?

Alison Panza avatar
Written by Alison Panza
Updated over 5 months ago

In the main screen of a project, you will notice several tabs across the top of the screen. Each of these is a component of the project as a whole. 


The contract tab is where you build the contract for the client by adding details such as the event name and dates/times, client information, venue, and inventory and logistics before sending to the client for signature. The contract tab is only visible to Sales Users.

Everything that gets put on a contract automatically gets added to the Fulfillment section, unless you are making changes to a previously signed contract, in which case any changes will only be pushed if you turn fulfillment sync on. Read more here.

In addition to seeing the full contract on this tab, you can also see and manage the contract's status.


The Billing tab is where you can see all payment and financial details of the project, such the total contract value, deposit/balance, and dues dates. You can also process refunds, post an offline payment, and collect payment in this tab. Only Sales Users have access to this tab. 


In the Fulfillment tab you’ll find order fulfillment information on the items that have been reserved for an event. These items are automatically pulled from the contract, but additional items may be added. 

Conflicts - If any conflict alerts are showing, this indicates that there is a shortage of an item needed to fulfill an order.

Subrentals - If a subrental alert is showing, this indicates that an inventory item on the order needs to be subrented from another business.

Set Asides - If a set aside alert is showing, this indicates that an inventory item on the order has is unavailable due to maintenance, damage, or because it is missing.

Locked Items - The lock next to each item indicates that the item is part of a signed contract and cannot be removed except by a Sales Account user.

The Fulfillment Tab is the main screen available on projects for Crew Users. They can add items, make notes on contract items, and resolve conflicts. They cannot, however, remove locked/contracted items. 


In the Files tab you’ll find files related to the project/contract.

All contracts signed through the Goodshuffle Pro system will show here in PDF format. You can also add files, such as contracts that were signed in person. To the right of each file name, you’ll notice that you can tag the client, company, and location, if you'd like those files to be suggested for that contact in the future.

If there are any suggested files based on the client, company, or venue assigned to the project they will show at the bottom of the screen so that they can easily be added with a click of the "Add" button.

Activity Log

In the Activity Log tab you’ll find a list of all changes that have been made to the project/contract, and by which user. The date/time of the change is also displayed.

Team, Tasks, and Messages

Team - Click on the “Team” button to view the team assigned to the project. This is also where you can add/remove team members and assign a Sales Lead.

Tasks - Click on the “Tasks” button to view and assign tasks for the project. 

Enter the task description, assign it to a team member, and select a due date to track progress. 

The buttons on the top allow you to hide/unhide completed tasks, get more information about tasks, and add a new task.

Messages - Click on the “Messages” button to send a message to your team or to your client.

Team messages are only visible to team members assigned to the project. 

Client messages are sent to the email address on file, and responses received will display in the messages tab, making it easy to keep track of all communication with the client.

More - Click on the “More” button to do the following:

Duplicate - You can duplicate a project to save time on entering project information for events that happen more than once (or similar events).

Change Project Dates - You can quickly change all dates on a project at the same time. Learn More.

Archive - You should archive a project only after it is complete, paid in full, and all tasks have been closed. Archiving the project will remove it from your open project dashboard, sales and billing dashboards, and tasks dashboard. You can still access it by clicking "Include Archived Projects" on your Project list.

Manually Sync with Google Calendar - You can use this feature to sync your Goodshuffle projects/events with your Google Calendar instantly, though all projects should sync automatically within minutes.

Delete - You can delete a project if it hasn't been marked as signed, but this should only be done for new projects that are duplicates or that were entered erroneously. This action cannot be undone, so you should never delete a project that you might want to return to later. Instead, it's best to mark projects that have not paid as "Lost".

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