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Add your Products through Standard Add

A guide to inputing inventory while editing the price, tags, description, image, and more.

Alison Panza avatar
Written by Alison Panza
Updated over 2 months ago

Go to the inventory page, select "Add Inventory", and select "Products".

This will start the process of adding in all the essential information for your inventory items.

Basics: Enter the name and Quantity of your item. If you’re entering an item that you don’t need to track quantity for, such as duct tape, un-check the “Track Quantity” box. If you are adding an item you always subrent, enter the quantity as “0,” and we’ll always flag it as such.

Select the primary and subcategories of your item.

Don’t see the category you need? Shoot us a note!

Attributes: Add attributes to help internal searching and greatly help your discoverability and bookability on the marketplace.

Remove the checkbox under 'Show Client' if you do not want clients seeing a specific attribute.

Remember that names and descriptions are shown on contracts and in the marketplace, so this is a great opportunity to sell your product.

Pricing: Goodshuffle Pro supports three pricing structures. You may select as many as you like for any given item and which to use per contract.
Check the box of your desired pricing structure and enter a price.

Click "Create". This will allow you to add Details, Accessories, Alternates, Services, and Parents to the Product.

Now, you will enter the Details of the item. Add the Contract description of your item. Remember that names and descriptions are shown on contracts and in the marketplace, so this is a great opportunity to sell your product.

*Uncheck the box if you do not want the descriptions listed on your Website Integration or Marketplace.

Select "Add Files" to search for a desired image. You can drag and drop images from your computer or your website into this panel to upload images of your inventory. You can edit, caption, and distinguish which will be your primary photo.

Locate the image and select "Open" to attach. Then press "Save & Continue" to move to the Relations section.

Goodshuffle Pro supports JPG, GIF, PNG, HEIC, PDF File up to 8MB

This is also a great place to add internal notes about the item for your team.

Add your Tags/Collections

Tags are conceptual groupings that help you find items across categories. Tags are an incredibly flexible and powerful tool when paired with our Website Integration.

Tax Types: Select from your available tax types which should be charged on this item, and be sure to click “Add” before continuing to the next panel.

Press "Save" to finish the information section.

Accessories: Items that either optionally or always go along with an item. Adding Accessory items speeds up contract building. Accessory items marked as required will be automatically added to contracts, whereas items marked as optional will be suggested.

Required accessories will be automatically added to contracts when the parent item is added, and optional items can be seen by clicking on the 'View Relations' button on a contract line item.

Nested accessories will inherit the visibility of the parent item — so if the parent is hidden so will the accessory and if the parent is removed from the contract so will the accessory. Quantities (and prices if the accessory is priced) will increase/decrease as the parent item's quantity increases/decreases.

Alternates: Adding Alternates will offer replacement suggestions when the selected item is unavailable or the client is looking for something else.

Choose alternates that you might suggest when this 'White Folding Resin Chair' is unavailable? Suggestions you will be able to view when you're adding your inventory in case you are out of stock/ overbooked on the given item under Relations and Alternates. Just keep in mind that the system won't automatically add the alternate, but it will provide you with the suggestion when you click on the 'View Relations' button on a contract.

Relations: Relations are connections between items that are frequently used together, or instead of one another.

Associated Services: Adding Services speeds up contract building. Services marked as required will be automatically added to contracts, whereas Services marked as optional will be suggested.

Parents: Item(s) that has accessories that are sometimes, or always, added when it’s


After inserting these fields, select "Save" to finish the Standard Add Process.

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