Enter Your Items via Standard Add

The best way to start entering inventory is via Standard Add. Here's your step-by-step guide on entering products.

Karen Gordon avatar
Written by Karen Gordon
Updated over a week ago

Click Inventory on along the top navigation bar then Add Product on the right (just below your account button). Select Standard Add to enter inventory items.

​ (Looking to enter services or packages? Click links for details)

General Information

Enter the name and description of your item. Keep in mind that names and descriptions show on contracts and the marketplace, so this is a great opportunity to sell your product. 

Categorization & Discovery

Select the primary and sub categories of your item. Click here for a list of all the Categories.

*Pro Tip - Ctrl-F or Command F is the shortcut in your browser or operating system that allows you to find words or phrases quickly. You can use it to quickly find your category.

Don’t see the category you need? Shoot us a note!

Tags help you search internally for items. Add tags like “Wedding” or “Outdoors” if your description doesn’t already include these terms.

Select whether or not you’d like to list your item on your Goodshuffle.com shop. Your listing for your business and all items is free. You’re only charged a 10% commission on items when they’re booked through the marketplace. Remember: You have the opportunity to approve or deny all orders, so we recommend showing off as much of your inventory as possible, even if it’s something frequently unavailable.


Adding attributes not only helps internal searching, but also greatly helps your discoverability and bookability on the marketplace. One of the key values of the marketplace is taking time off your plate answering questions, so the more you share with potential clients upfront, the more time you’re saving yourself in the long run. If you’d like to mark an attribute that you don’t want the client to see (e.g. quality of the item, brand, etc.) remove the checkbox click under 'Client Visible' to ensure this attribute is never listed on contracts nor the marketplace.

Quantity & Tracking

Enter the quantity of items in your inventory. If you’re entering an item that you don’t need to track quantity for, such as duct tape, un-check the “Track Quantity” box. If you are adding an item you always subrent, enter the quantity as “0” and we’ll always flag it as such.


There are three types of pricing structures supported in Goodshuffle Pro. You may select as many as you like for any given item, and choose which to use per contract.

Daily pricing is the most common. You can charge a flat amount per day, 3 days, week, or month. We’ll automatically calculate the pricing on contracts based on the timeframe given on each line item group. For example, if you have a daily price of $3 and you create a line item group for two days, we’ll calculate the cost of $6. 

Hourly pricing starts with a minimum rental period for a set amount, with another amount per hour. For example, you might require 2 hours for $250 for your photobooth, but only $100/hr after that. If it’s the same cost every hour, you’d make the minimum 1 hr for $100 and $100/hr following.

Purchase price is for sale items such as popcorn, propane, and more. Remember to indicate sales tax in the tax type for these items if it’s different from your rental items’ tax value!

Associated Services

Select whether or not delivery is required for this service. 

Next, search your services to add any associated with this item. If you don’t have the associated service yet, click Create New to open a new tab and add that service. Then, return to this tab to search and add.

When adding an associated service, you’ll indicate whether or not it’s required. For example, you may require setup/teardown labor for tents, but an attendant may be optional with your cotton candy machine. You’ll also indicate the quantity typically needed, and the number of hours. Keep in mind that these numbers can be adjusted per contract!

Tax Types

Select from your available tax types which should be charged on this item, and be sure to click Add before continuing to the next panel.


You can drag and drop images from your computer or your website into this panel to upload images of your inventory. You can edit, caption, and distinguish which will be your primary photo.


Relations are connections between items that are frequently used together, or instead of one another.

Accessories: Item(s) that is sometimes, or always, added when its parent is used.

Parents: Item(s) that has accessories that are sometimes, or always, added when it’s used.

Alternates: Item(s) that can be used in place of an inventory item. 

Pro Tip: Haven’t added this item’s relations to your inventory yet? You can always link to this item from the other item’s panel when you get to it.

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