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Adding In-Store Logistics to Inventory
Adding In-Store Logistics to Inventory
Karen Gordon avatar
Written by Karen Gordon
Updated over a week ago

In-Store is one of two types of Logistics Services that can be added to a contract. These are important because they determine when items are checked back into your inventory.

In-Store Logistics need to be set if you allow clients to pickup and/or return items to your business themselves.

To add In-Store Logistics, proceed to Inventory > Add Service> In-Store Logistics.

General Information

Description: You can use the description for any notes you want clients to see about your hours, location, or items they need to bring with them.

eCommerce Description: You can include a unique description for the online version of this item, or have your website match the contract description by leaving the "Use Contract Description for Web" box checked. Learn more about Web descriptions here.

Internal Notes: Use Internal notes for any notes you don't want your client to see that you would want an internal employee to know.

Tags: Create a tag to help you search for your service.

List on Marketplace: If "Yes" is selected, the service will become public on the marketplace. Select "No" to keep the service internal.

Common In-Store Attributes: You can search for certain attributes when added if you deem this necessary for this type of service.

Conflict Tracking: If you need to track for availability of your overbookings on your In-Store logistics, you can add Quantities when adding or editing your Services.

Pricing: You can set a "Flat Fee", "Percent of Line Item Group", or "Percent of Order", or if you don’t charge for in-store pickup/return, simply set select the "Unpriced" option.

If you need to add a tax, use the drop-down menu to select a previously created tax type. Select "Save & Continue" to add an image.

To locate an image, select "Browse Files" or Drag and Drop to upload the image.

You can edit, crop, resize, and more using the pencil feature at the bottom of the image. Select "Save & Close" when complete and the service will be successfully added.

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