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Attributes: What They Are & How To Use Them

Attributes can be used for many different purposes like tracking locations, specifying height, listing details of items.

Alison Panza avatar
Written by Alison Panza
Updated over 4 months ago

Attributes are very powerful in Goodshuffle Pro and every item should have some sort of attribute(s). 

What are they?

Attributes are details about an item that can used to filter and sort your inventory to find certain items. 

What can they be used for?

Attributes can be used for simple things like height, width, weight, and material of an object. 

Or more complicated things like the height range of a drape pole in inches or feet. 

Attributes can also be used for tracking the location of certain items like where the item is located in your warehouse or which warehouse the items live in if you have multiple locations. 

You can also create custom attributes by selecting Define New Custom Attribute at the very bottom of the Add Attribute menu.

Searching and Filtering!

You can also search for certain attributes (such as color, size, shape, etc.) or use the 'Attribute' filters located in the menu on the left of your screen to filter. This allows for super easy methods to locate your desired product!

Internal and External Attributes 

You also have the choice to keep certain attributes personal to you and your staff or public to your clients. You can always go back later and change the internal/external status of an attribute if you change your mind.

For example, if you want your staff to know where to access an item after a transaction, you can keep the warehouse location to only show on your Pull Sheets. If you later decide you want your customers to be able to shop for items by location, you can go ahead and check this box.

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