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How can I add a buffer window to all my projects?

Here's how you can add a buffer window to all your projects to account for travel time or additional cleaning time.

Colin Connor avatar
Written by Colin Connor
Updated over 5 months ago

Imagine if you are shipping your orders across the country, or you need to add extra time to clean all the items for your projects.

From your inventory, click 'Settings'. Next, click to 'Edit' your Project-Level Buffers. Then, include your Pre or Post-Event Buffers.
From here you can select if you want these buffers to apply to newly created projects, or all active projects. Finally, click 'Save' to set these buffer windows on your projects.

Please note: If you select to add these buffers to All Active Projects, new conflicts may be detected on all unarchived projects.

Need to adjust a conflict buffer on a specific project?

Need to set buffer times for specific item sub-categories?

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