If you receive an error when attempting to process a refund, it's likely you (or your account owner) need to quickly reconnect with Plaid. Many banks require a refreshed connection with Plaid on a routine basis - i.e. every 90 days for T.D. Bank, as an example. This is only required to process withdrawals/refunds - outbound transfers are unaffected. Reconnecting with Plaid ensures you have the highest level of security when processing refunds and helps prevent overdraft fees.
***Only Account Owners can reconnect banking information. Admins and Full Users are not able to adjust the connected bank***
Head to your Company tab here.
Click on "Bank Info" to snap down to your bank information on the left.
Your current bank information will appear here, showing where outbound transfers are being deposited. Clicking "Change" will bring up Plaid, allowing you to securely reconnect with your bank to process refunds.
If you cannot see or need a hand accessing your bank, please let us know in the chat in the bottom right!