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How to use the Digital Pull Sheets

Digital Pull Sheets, or the checklists within each project's Fulfillment tab, are customizable and easy-to-use.

Erik Dreyer avatar
Written by Erik Dreyer
Updated over 5 months ago

To help track the fulfillment part of a job before it goes out the door, we create a digital version of your pull sheet! To start using your Digital Pull Sheets, you’ll need to navigate to the project in question and click on the fulfillment tab. 

Then click on the ‘Pull Sheet’ tab as seen below.

From here, all you need to do is start clicking (tapping on mobile) the boxes that correspond to the stage each item is in. Here is an example of doing one, two and three stage clicks, in addition to using the ‘All’ options at the top.

Notice how the counts in the top bar, just below the fulfillment tab, keep track of how far along you are. A check indicates that entire phase is complete.

Bonus:  You can add this summary to your project list via the customize columns button:

To learn how to customize your pull sheet stages: review this article!

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