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How can I customize my Digital Pull Sheet stages?

You can label your digital fulfillment checklists however you like! Learn how to control the titles within your admin's account settings.

Erik Dreyer avatar
Written by Erik Dreyer
Updated over 5 months ago

This article covers how you can customize each stage of your Digital Pull Sheet. If you want to learn more about using the pull sheet online, read this article.

To start, every account has their pull sheet stages set to ‘Pulled’, ‘Prepped’, and ‘Loaded’ by default (seen below). If you wish to change one (or all) of these stage labels, the admin of your account can do so by navigating to their Account > Settings page.

Once here, scroll down to the Fulfillment section and you should see ‘Digital Pull Sheets’ and you will see something like this:

To edit the stage labels, click the ‘Edit Stages’ button located on the right:

You can be as literal or creative as you would like with the labels (but keep them short!) For instance if your team does a lot of custom work that requires that requires ‘Reviews’ then it could be:

  1. Review 1

  2. Review 2

  3. Final Review

Or perhaps you deal with a lot of electronics you could use stage labels like:

  1. Checked

  2. Charged

  3. Packed

In the example below, we’re really focused on when the items go out and come back in so we’ve created the following scheme:

  1. Loaded

  2. Out

  3. In

Once you click all new projects will have these new stage labels on them!

Please note that the new stage names will only apply to newly created projects.

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