Features available on version 0.5.2 of the Wishlist or later
You can customize the name of your Wishlist “Cart” that site visitors see when checking out using the <gpsro-wishlist-config>
wishlist-alias option. This is done by adding wishlist-alias="Your Cart"
to your config element. In this case, the Wishlist submission panel will be named Your Cart.
You can add a label below the "Notes" field on your Wishlist cart by using the <gpsro-wishlist-config>
notes-help-text option. This is done by adding notes-help-text="Whatever Notes You Like!"
to the config element.
The full code snippet from the examples above is shown below (don't forget to adjust your public browser key!).
notes-help-text="Tell us how you heard about us!"
wishlist-alias="Your Cart"