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Automated and Manual Client Emails

Some emails are automatically sent to clients, and some happen as a result of your action in Goodshuffle Pro. Here's the breakdown.

Erik Dreyer avatar
Written by Erik Dreyer
Updated over 5 months ago

We already know our inbox can be our worst enemy, so the Goodshuffle Pro team has worked hard to provide you some simple, professional and (sometimes) automated emails to keep your client interactions as consistent as possible. 

Here is a breakdown showing you all the emails that may be sent to a client and what actions trigger those emails:

Contracts - Manual

This email will be manually sent when you send a message using the ‘Send to client’ feature on the contract page.

Subject: You have a new quote from [Your Company Name] #[Project Number]
Body: Hi [Client First Name],

You have a new quote from [Your Company Name] for [Project Name] #[Project Number]. You can review the quote, sign the contract and make payment with just a few clicks by following the link below. For convenience, we've attached the quote to this e-mail as well.

[Sales Lead Name]
[Company Name]

Contracts - Automatic 

This email will be automatically sent when a client signs a contract online. 

***WILL NOT BE SENT if you manually set the contract status to: ‘Contract Signed’***

Subject: Signed Contract Attached - [Project Name] #[Project Number]
Body: Hi [Client First Name],

You have signed the contract for [Project Name] #[Project Number] online. It's attached to this email for your records. We're looking forward to working with you!

[Sales Lead Name]
[Company Name]

Payment - Automatic

This email will be automatically sent when a client makes a payment online. 

***WILL NOT BE SENT when you enter a payment manually***

Subject: Payment Successful - [Project Name] #[Project Number]
[Credit Card] x[Last 4] - [Name on Card]
$[Payment Amount]

Hi [Client First Name],

A payment of $[Payment Amount] has been successfully processed for [Project Name] #[Project Number]. You can see a summary of the payment below.

[Sales Lead Name]
[Company Name]

Payment - Automatic

This email will be automatically sent as a reminder email that goes out to the client letting them know they have opted into ‘Autopay’ online and that their card will be charged within 24 hours. 

*WILL NOT BE SENT to clients on contracts that have Net Payment Policies

Subject: Upcoming Autopay Notification - [Project Name] #[Project Number]
Body:Hi [Client First Name],

This payment method will be charged on [Date]. Please click below to view the details of the upcoming charge.

[Sales Lead Name]
[Company Name]

Messages - Manual

This email will be manually sent when you you send a message to the client via the messages panel within the project or from the message tab.

Subject: [Your Name] Sent a Message  - [Project Name] #[Project Number]
Body:[Your custom message goes here]

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