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What's the difference between a Full User and a Limited User?
What's the difference between a Full User and a Limited User?

Here's a comprehensive breakdown of what the Account Owners, Admins, Full Users, and Limited Users can do on Goodshuffle Pro.

Colin Connor avatar
Written by Colin Connor
Updated over 2 months ago

There are four different user levels on Goodshuffle Pro: Account Owners/Admins, Full Users, Limited Users, and Read-Only Users. Here's a list of the permissions and abilities for all user levels.

Account Owners/Admins

The Account Owner is the primary user tied to a Goodshuffle Pro account. They have the highest level of access to all features across Goodshuffle Pro.

Admins have the exact same access as the Account Owner, i.e., they can access reports, account settings, and subscriptions. They'll also receive notifications when Payouts are heading to your bank. The only thing an Admin cannot do is change banking information or generate new 2FA Backup Codes (learn more here).

Full Users

Office Staff, Salespeople, Bookkeepers – Full Users have access to everything except Admin-only privileges. In general, Full Users and the Account Owner can perform many of the same functions.

Limited Users

Warehouse Team, Drivers, Installers – Limited Users have the features they need to get the job done, but without sensitive details like contract info and financial information. Another important thing to remember is Limited Users will only see projects they've been added to.

Read-Only Users

DJs, Dealers, Contractors – Read-Only users can access necessary details for assigned jobs, but can’t make any changes.

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